Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my 40k Blog, here I will post pictures of my army.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I will be playing Deathwatch in a month or so, I had a chance to browse the book the other day and Im really excited about the rules and the style of the game, this will be my first time playing a Fantasy Flight game so Im not familiar with the system Im used to play d20 games but I guess I will get the hang of it quickly.

I will be playing a Blood Angel Librarian, I think it will be a good roleplaying expirience trying to control the red thirst and black rage while at the same time being in danger of the warp and the things that lurk within :P, I was reading the table of "Perils of the warp" and if you get 00 the librarian is destroyed and a Demon prince may apear in his place :O

Anyway while our GM learn the rules I will finish my Pathfinder Campaing, Curse of the Crimson Throne, and I will get my own book to get a better undersatnding of the system.

I have now a channel on YOUTUBE and will be posting some videos check it out.

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