Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my 40k Blog, here I will post pictures of my army.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Annihilation Barge

Another video of my Necron army, this time is a heavy support choice, I have two more of these in the works and will be doing a tutorial in the future.

Lychguard Nihilakh Dynasty

A small video of my Lychguard and how I plan to use it, I ramble a little and was nervous :D I didn't had a script and its been a while since I uploaded something, hope you like it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Necron Ghost Ark Nihilakh Dynasty

This is my best model of 2012, it took forever to build and paint, the model is hard to build but once its painted its amazing to look at.

I build most of the models and painted it before gluing some parts together especially the arcs, those were painted one at a time and then glued together, that was time consuming. I did a video showcasing the model as a video response to Warboss Tae and I plan to do a full tutorial in the future.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Terrain Tutorial: Metal Barricade

I posted a tutorial on youtube on how to build a barricade for 40k, its a really easy build, check it out!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I'm starting a Necron army and so far I have painted a 5 man Immortal squad and 11 warriors and I'm painting a Ghost Ark, they are going to be from the Nihilakh dynasty.

Here are some pictures.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I will be playing Deathwatch in a month or so, I had a chance to browse the book the other day and Im really excited about the rules and the style of the game, this will be my first time playing a Fantasy Flight game so Im not familiar with the system Im used to play d20 games but I guess I will get the hang of it quickly.

I will be playing a Blood Angel Librarian, I think it will be a good roleplaying expirience trying to control the red thirst and black rage while at the same time being in danger of the warp and the things that lurk within :P, I was reading the table of "Perils of the warp" and if you get 00 the librarian is destroyed and a Demon prince may apear in his place :O

Anyway while our GM learn the rules I will finish my Pathfinder Campaing, Curse of the Crimson Throne, and I will get my own book to get a better undersatnding of the system.

I have now a channel on YOUTUBE and will be posting some videos check it out.