Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my 40k Blog, here I will post pictures of my army.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tactical Squad

Hi and welcome to my blog this is my first post woohoo!!

Here is part of my first Tactical Squad, I bought the AoBR box and started painting these guys, I'm still trying painting schemes and techniques, this guys were primed grey then a base coat of mechrite red followed by a black wash, after that, I cleaned the areas that were not in shadow with mecrite red and then used clear red (or blood red in GW format).

I use reaper paints and a few GW ones, mostly washes and foundations, I don't like pots because the dry too fast and here were I live is very hot.

I stopped painting these guys when I realized that I would be using more assault troops and got a Death Company Box , but I decided to finish them now, but more on that later.

Im trying to get better at painting and speed painting, with time we'll see.

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