Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my 40k Blog, here I will post pictures of my army.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine E3 2010 Trailer [HD]

Baal Predator Inside Finished

Here are some pictures of the finished inside of my Baal/Razor/Rhino.

I had to do some quick patches in the paint job here and there because it didnt fit and some glue spill.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Baal Predator Update

I tried to glue the parts I had painted today and they didn't fit because of the paint on the floor, this is the first time I put together a vehicle and I painted the floor while it was still in the srpue so I dindt realize it would be a problem.

I had to file the sides of the floor and remove part of the paint job and still I feel it didnt fit as it was suposed to do, oh well next time I will paint the floor once its glued to the sides.

I will post pictures when I finish the inerior, Im painting the computer panel right now.

Friday, June 11, 2010

On the Table: Baal Predator

I recently bought a Baal Predator and a Razor back, I want to paint the interior because it looks really cool, I will magnetise both of them to be able to use them as Rhino and Razors.


This is my Chaplian, I didnt paint him I traded the model of master of the chapter with the TH for this one to a friend, I have another chaplian primed and ready to paint but has a plasma pistol and I always use him with out any upgrades myabe I can trade him for one with a boltpistol...

Death Company Primed

Hello again, I have primed my DC and Im gonna start painting it.

One of my friends gave to me his old models of the DC (thanks Alex) and I combined them with bits from the new DC box, also, I based them on some back to basics resin bases, I have ordered 30 more to base all my models on them.
Here are the special weapons on my DC, I have a PF, TH, Plasma pistol and Hand flamer.
More pictures after a few base coats.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tactical Squad

Hi and welcome to my blog this is my first post woohoo!!

Here is part of my first Tactical Squad, I bought the AoBR box and started painting these guys, I'm still trying painting schemes and techniques, this guys were primed grey then a base coat of mechrite red followed by a black wash, after that, I cleaned the areas that were not in shadow with mecrite red and then used clear red (or blood red in GW format).

I use reaper paints and a few GW ones, mostly washes and foundations, I don't like pots because the dry too fast and here were I live is very hot.

I stopped painting these guys when I realized that I would be using more assault troops and got a Death Company Box , but I decided to finish them now, but more on that later.

Im trying to get better at painting and speed painting, with time we'll see.